If You're Broken
Some of us think of ourselves as pretty good when it comes to our living in that we don't have to want for food, shelter, clothing, cell phones, cars, friendships, acceptance, love, etc. But you can have your life pretty well squared away and put together in a nice neat package and still miss out on the most important thing this life has to offer. This life is meant to be lived in relationship with Jesus Christ. He came to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. He came for the ones that can see themselves as broken. Because when you realize and simply admit there is brokenness within you, you open yourself up to seeking out a filler for those broken places. There are all types of fillers but the only One that will really heal you is the love that Christ overflows with. He wants to drench us in His love and show us the amazing life He has when we step into relationship with Him. So, if you think that your life revolves...