If You're Broken
Some of us think of
ourselves as pretty good when it comes to our living in that we don't have to
want for food, shelter, clothing, cell phones, cars, friendships, acceptance,
love, etc. But you can have your life pretty
well squared away and put together in a nice neat package and still miss out on
the most important thing this life has to offer. This life is meant to be lived in
relationship with Jesus Christ. He came
to heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. He came for the ones that can see themselves
as broken. Because when you realize and
simply admit there is brokenness within you, you open yourself up to seeking
out a filler for those broken places.
There are all types of fillers but the only One that will really heal
you is the love that Christ overflows with.
He wants to drench us in His love and show us the amazing life He has
when we step into relationship with Him.
So, if you think that your life revolves around violence and reputation
and toughness and territory/turf claiming, then you're a prime candidate to
meet Jesus. Because it's so abundantly
obvious that you're broken. You can't
hide that. It's written all over the way
you live your life and the things you try to "accomplish." Each and every time you step out of your
place of living into those streets to go "take care of something"
you're demonstrating that you're broken.
You might as well hop on one leg or tie one of your arms up in a sling
because that's how obvious it is. When
you take someone else's life, there's something missing inside of you. When you think that violence is what makes
the world turn, there's something missing.
You've got it twisted. You've
been lied to. You've been fooled into
thinking that your brokenness is as good as it gets, and there's nothing that
can heal you. And if you choose to
continue seeing it that way, then you will remain in it. Just like if you break your arm and never go
get it checked out and wrapped up to let it heal. When you break something you don't continue
to expose it to regular activities because it needs the time to mend. The healing process has to take place apart
from the regular stuff you were used to doing.
It's the same thing with receiving God's love. You need to step into the relationship with
Him and away from your regular activities.
You can't be in both worlds and expect to experience His healing. He wants you to Himself because He has
amazing things planned for you. And your
regular activities will not allow for His still quiet voice to be heard and
received by you. He knows exactly what
you need, and He won't tolerate anything other than that. So, don't expect a
safe transition. I mean, it will be an
all-out war for your soul when you decide to accept the invitation from Jesus
Christ. You'll experience such pressure
and such inner turmoil because the Enemy wants to destroy your chances. He knows that once you hear God's voice and
experience the amazing peace and warmth of His love for you, you'll only want
more. The Enemy knows it better than you
do. But, the alternative is living your
life straight into death. And the death
you experience will be like nothing you ever imagined. The tricks of the Enemy are always leading
you toward him and not toward God.
Always. Anything that leads you
away from God leads you to death. Every
The very good news
is, however, your brokenness is obvious.
So there's no question as to whether you need a relationship with Jesus
Christ. There's no question about it. It's the most obvious thing about your
life. Period. I’m writing this from a thousand miles away
because it's so obvious that you're broken.
You don't have stay that way. The
love of Jesus Christ is so incredibly available to you. It really is.
And I know it looks dark and pointless from where you're at, but I'm out
here telling you there is so much life if you step into the light that only
Jesus Christ provides. His protection
and provision far out does anything anybody else can offer you in this
world. He'll show you if you ask Him
to. If you really want to see His work
in your life, He'll show you. And it
will be amazing.
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